Last Update: 9 Dec 2021.

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3.1 Temperature during storage

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Bacon & Gammon / Temperature control and storage

3.1.1 The storage area shall under maximum load maintain product temperatures within specification 

3.1.2 The temperature of chilled pork raw material and bacon during storage shall be between -2°C to +5°C. The temperature of chilled meat preparations such as sausage or meat-based stuffing’s during storage shall be between -2°C to +4°C. 

3.1.3 Where deep chilled storage is used there shall be a standard operating procedure that details control of deep chilling under normal operational conditions, but which considers emergency procedures that shall be followed if breakdown occurs. Validation of shelf life within the deep chill shall consider worst case scenarios.

3.1.4 It is permissible to crust-freeze/temper bacon feed stock at sub-zero temperatures prior to slicing.

3.1.5 The temperature of frozen pork raw material and bacon during storage shall be -18°C or colder.


The storage area may be equipped with auto door closure, air or strip curtains to minimise ingress of warm air during stock transfers.

Dependent on the process e.g. cold storage or tempering the refrigeration temperature may be set to a target temperature to allow for temperature fluctuations caused by defrost cycles, doors opening during stock transfer etc. 

It may be acceptable for the air temperatures to be exceeded for short periods during defrost cycles/stock transfer etc. providing the product temperature remains within specification.


Examples of temperature control records since the last audit. Validation records for deep chilling and Integrity of the packaging.