Last Update: 4 Jan 2022.
6.2.1 The number of pigs within the stunning area shall be proportionate to the activities being undertaken.
6.2.2 Where pigs are electrically stunned using the floor stun method, the group size shall be managed to allow two operatives working in the pen (one stunning and one shackling) to minimise the stun-stick interval.
6.2.3 Where gas stunning equipment is used it shall be designed to maintain welfare and ensure an effective stun and kill is achieved.
6.2.4 Back-up stunning equipment shall be provided for use if the primary stun method fails or malfunctions.
6.2.5 Following stunning there shall be sufficient space to allow the pig to be placed in the prone position prior to shackling.
6.2.6 A daily documented check shall be carried out to confirm that the maximum stun to stick interval does not exceed:
- 15 secs for electrical stunning
- 75 secs for Co2 stunning
6.2.7 Maintenance records shall be available for all stunning equipment (primary and back-up) used.
6.2.8 Evidence of annual calibration records shall be available for all stunning equipment (primary and back-up).
Electrical Stunning: Minimum stun times and voltages are stated in legislation. Under no circumstances shall the operative who is shackling the pig also bleed the pig from within the stunning area. The sticking (bleeding) operation shall be undertaken by a separate operative.
Gas Stunning: The equipment is designed to: – measure, display and record gas concentrations and the time of exposure, maintain gas concentration, allow pigs to be monitored in the stunner and accessed without delay, allow atmospheric air to be promptly flushed through the stunner , avoid compression of the chest of a pig , enable a pig to remain upright during consciousness , enable a pig to see other pigs as it is conveyed through the stunner , allow pigs to see their surroundings (through lighting). There should be Systems in place, that visibly and audibly to alert an operator of drops in gas concentration and equipment failure. Records are kept for at least one year and the manufacturer’s operational instructions are followed
Visual inspection. Evidence of back up equipment, maintenance records and calibration records where applicable since last audit.
The auditor shall record several pigs stun to stick times. Maintenance and calibration records for primary and back-up stun systems.
Effectiveness of captive bolt: the effectiveness of the captive bolt penetration requires varication. Annual calibration is required also.