Last Update: 9 Dec 2021.

Bacon, gammon or sausage feedstock brought in from a different site shall be sourced from a participant of the BMPA Quality Assured Bacon and Gammon or BMPA Quality Assured Pork Sausage module and the product shall be certified against that module. Refer to the Charter Rules.

Where the site is only slicing and packing bacon/gammon, or is only assembling component packs e.g. pigs in blankets, and the pre-requisites of the site being BRC GFS certified (minimum Grade B), compliant with BMPA Quality Pork Charter Rules, and that each product type being packed are certified against one of the relevant Charter modules and traceable to an approved participating site, then only the clauses contained within BMPA Quality Assured Bacon and Gammon module appropriate to the process being undertaken shall apply e.g. slicing and packing bacon packs or packing pigs in blankets.

Copy of supplier’s certificate of conformity against the BMPA Bacon and Gammon or BMPA Quality Assured Pork Sausage module.