Last Update: 21 Dec 2021.
Surveillance audits carried out by the BMPA service provider shall cover the full scope of the relevant pork module(s). This shall require the auditor to talk to staff to establish their understanding and training, and to review relevant processing records, procedures, and traceability records.
The person responsible for the day to day management or a nominated representative who has a full understanding of the operations/processes of the site shall be available to accompany the auditor throughout the audit to answer any queries which are raised.
The auditor shall review products against quality attribute specifications (QAS).
The Charter participant shall allow the auditor to take copies of relevant records, including financial records (where applicable); to satisfy themselves that the Charter participant is complying with the required undertaking.
If any aspect of the audit cannot be completed on the day of the audit the applicant or Charter participant shall contact the service provider, in advance, to explain the situation and if necessary the audit may be rearranged. If the audit cannot be completed in full on the day of the appointment the application cannot be progressed, and an additional audit fee shall be payable to the service provider for a return audit.