Global Quality Pork Charter Rules

11 Suspension or withdrawal
Last Updated: 21 Dec 2021.
11.1 Reasons and procedure for suspension or withdrawal from the Charter
11.1.1 Charter participants found to be in breach of the BMPA Quality Pork Charter rules, conditions attached to agreed derogations, procedures or where critical or major non-conformance are raised against traceability, food safety, biosecurity, and/or animal welfare that have the potential to compromise the integrity of the Quality Pork Charter may have their BMPA Quality Pork Charter certificate of conformity suspended or withdrawn, with immediate effect, by written notice from the service provider detailing the reasons for this action.
11.1.2 Where certification is suspended or withdrawn, the BMPA shall contact all stakeholders (PTAC, Red Tractor and the BRC service provider (where this is different to the Quality Pork Charter service provider) to discuss potential implications to on-going manufacture of assured product. Each incident shall be dealt with by the BMPA on a case-by-case basis relevant to the circumstances at that time.
11.1.3 If satisfactory documentary evidence showing that that all non-conformances have been rectified is received by the service provider within 14 days, suspension shall be lifted. Where re-audit to verify non-conformance closure is required, an additional fee shall be charged at cost to the applicant or Charter participant.
11.1.4 If a suspended Charter participant fails to contact the service provider within 14 days of suspension notification, their certification may be withdrawn. A new application shall then be required if the supplier wishes to be re-certified against the BMPA Charter and pork module(s).
11.1.5 Any Charter participant who is in breach of any provisions of the Charter rules and/or pork modules may have their certification against the BMPA Quality Pork Charter withdrawn with immediate effect by written notice from the service provider. This notice shallinform the Charter participant of the reasons for withdrawal and shall also provide details of the appeals procedure.
11.1.6 If certification is withdrawn, the Charter participant shall return the BMPA Quality Pork Charter certificate of conformity to the service provider. If a Charter participant wishes to re-join the BMPA Quality Pork Charter, a three-month waiting period shall be required
11.2 Appealing a suspension or withdrawal and notifying customers

11.2.1 Any Charter participant whose certification is suspended or withdrawn has the right of appeal against this decision. The service provider shall provide a copy of the appeals procedure and confirm the process (see Section 12 Appeals). In all cases of suspension or withdrawal there shall be no entitlement to any refund of fees.

11.2.2 The Charter participant shall,after liaison with the BMPA, notify their customers and any commercial stakeholders if certification to the Quality Pork Charter has been suspended or withdrawn. No further claims shall be made against the BMPA Quality Pork Charter during the period of suspension or withdrawal.