Global Quality Pork Charter Rules

5 New applications and scope extensions
Last Updated: 21 Dec 2021.
5.1 How to make a new application
5.1.1 All new applications and any scope extensions by existing Charter participants shall be made through the BMPA Technical Policy Manager (see Appendix 1).
5.1.2 The senior technical representative of the business shall sign the application form. In signing the form, the applicant subscribes to many declarations which constitute a contract with the BMPA to comply with the Charter rules, procedures and specific requirements of the pork modules and relevant appendices.
5.2 Getting your unique Module Participant Number (MPN)
Each Charter participant shall be given a unique module participant number (MPN) with the letter confirming the date of audit, approximate time and scope of the audit. On successful completion of the approval audit, the MPN shall be used on the BMPA Quality Pork Charter certificate of conformity.
5.3 Timing of the initial audit
The initial audit shall be carried out within 6 months of the date of the application (ideally within 8 weeks).