Module 4 Ham & Cooked Pork

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11 Microbiological standards

Last Updated: 5 Jan 2022.

11.1 Sampling & testing plan for microbiological standards

11.1.1 The site shall have a sampling plan and testing regime in place for the routine monitoring of the microbiological compliance of the finished products listed on the sites BMPA Quality Assured Ham and Cooked Pork certificate of conformity. 

11.1.2 Where out of specification results occur, there shall be evidence that this is subject to investigation, trend analysis or other specific corrective actions.


It is important that the sampling plan covers the scope of approved products listed on the Certificate of Conformity.

ACC counts in excess of 1 x 104 cfu/g may result in further investigation for example, Listeria monocytogenes.

Enterobacteriaceae counts in excess of 102 may result in further Investigation for e.g. Salmonella spp/E.coli.


Records shall cover the period since the last audit. Although the accreditation element shall have been covered under the core requirement, the site shall retain a copy of the laboratory’s accreditation and the scope of the tests of the certification. Sampling schedules aligned to the scope of approved products and microbiological reports since the last audit. Evidence of corrective actions taken where non-conformance has been highlighted.

11.2 Microbiological testing for whole units

Product shall be tested weekly to demonstrate compliance with the following start of life microbiological targets:

TestTargetNot acceptable
ACC @ 30°C  <1 x 103>1 x 104
Enterobacteriaceae @(37°C) 24 hrs <10>100
Staph Aureus (coag.+ve)@ 37°C 48 hours<20> 102
Salmonella (in 25gsample)  AbsentPresent
Listeria spp and L. monocytogenes     Absent in 25g sample>100 cfu/g at any time during shelf life
Note: Where a positive test for Listeria spp. test is obtained, a test for the presence and enumeration of Listeria Monocytogenes shall be undertaken to demonstrate that the count at end of life is <100cfu/g

11.3 Microbiological testing for slices

Product shall be tested weekly to demonstrate compliance with the following start of life microbiological targets:

TestTargetNot acceptable
ACC @ 30°C <5 x 103                  >1 x 105 
Enterobacteriaceae @(37°C) 24 hrs <102>1 x 103 
Staph Aureus (coag.+ve)@ 37°C 48 hours<20> 102
Salmonella (in 25gsample) AbsentPresent
Listeria spp and L.monocytogenesAbsent in 25g sample>100 cfu/g at any time during shelf life
Note: Where a positive test for Listeria spp. test is obtained, a test for the presence and enumeration of Listeria Monocytogenes shall be undertaken to demonstrate that the count at end of life is <100cfu/g