Last Update: 5 Jan 2022.

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7.5 Roasting & other post-cooking operations

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Ham & Cooked Pork / Heating and cooking

7.5.1 Detailed standard operating procedures, work instructions and process records shall be maintained.

7.5.2 Where cooking is followed by a period of roasting, the roasting phase shall be carried out before the surface temperature of the product falls below +60°C. Failing this, the product shall be cooled to less than +5°C prior to the roasting operation taking place. 

7.5.3 Where product is smoked, garnished, glazed or crumbed, this shall be carried out in a way that does not compromise the safety of the product. 


The process shall ensure that food safety and/or quality is not compromised. The storage facilities shall be capable of cooling the product within specification. Appropriate record keeping shall be maintained. See FSA guidance on the definition of roasting.


Production and temperature control records. Visual inspection of process and align to requirements laid down in procedures and workinstructions. Examples of processing records since the last audit.