Last Update: 21 Dec 2021.
10.3 Resigning from the Charter
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Quality Pork Charter Rules / Renewing or resigning membership
10.3.1 Charter participants may decide to voluntarily withdraw their certification. This shall be done in writing to the service provider enclosing the BMPA Quality Pork Charter certificate of conformity and confirming the last date that assured product shall be produced. Where a participant decides to voluntarily withdraw their certification during the period of certification, the participant shall not be entitled to any return of audit fees for the remaining part of the period of certification.
10.3.2 Charter participants who voluntarily withdraw from certification shall cease from the date given to the service provider to make any claims whether explicit or implied, that they or their products are certified against the BMPA Quality Pork Charter.
10.3.3 Where an approved site is scheduled for closure with no prospect of transfer to an alternative site, the Charter participant shall make the service provider and BMPA aware of the closure date. Once the business has ceased at the site address the Charter participant shall return the Quality Pork Charter certificate of conformity within 14 days of the closure date, to the service provider that issued it.