Last Update: 4 Jan 2022.

1.1 Requirements for competence & independence
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Quality Pork Charter Rules / Competency & independence of auditors
A requirement of the BMPA Quality Pork Charter is for the charter participant to undertake traceability and mass balance checks to monitor the robustness of the site’s systems. These checks can either be undertaken in house or by a company acceptable to the scheme however, they shall be carried out by someone who is suitably qualified, competent and independent of the manufacturing operation.
This guidance note provides clarification on the requirement for the competency and independence of internal /external auditors undertaking traceability and mass balance checks for the BMPA Quality Pork Charter.
1.1.1 Suitably Qualified – There would be no requirement for the person to hold a recognised vocational qualification. It would, however, be appropriate for the company to be able to demonstrate through adequate training records or by interview that the individual undertaking these traceability inspections has received training and/or has relevant experience appropriate to the process chain under audit.
1.1.2 Competency – The individual shall be able to demonstrate to the charter that he/she has a thorough understanding of the process chain. It is also important to establish that they are familiar with the process quality management system relevant to the scope of the site and the processes involved. These shall include relevant traceability documentation, farm assurance web sites and an understanding of the relevant BMPA Quality Pork Charter.
1.1.3 Independence – The individual shall be independent of the area under audit. The company shall be required to demonstrate through the use of the company’s organogram/job description, the named person’s position within the company’s management structure or if an external resource is used the name of the approved person.
Examples of independence would be:
- Member of the technical team from within the company (where the company has an in-house technical resource)
- An external consultant
- A third party e.g. official veterinarian (OV)