Last Update: 5 Jan 2022.
9.2 Quality Attribute Specification (QAS) monitoring
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Ham & Cooked Pork / Finished product specifications & quality standards
9.2.1 The charter participant shall monitor the quality attributes of each product type certified by this BMPA module against a documented quality attribute specification (QAS) that has been formally agreed by the charter participant and their customer. All products shall achieve the standards set by the BMPA Quality Assured Ham and Cooked Pork module.
9.2.2 Where there is evidence of attribute failure, the site shall investigate the root cause and implement corrective action to minimise/prevent the issue from re-occurring.
Where unnecessary cuts have occurred, there is the potential that after cooking and subsequent slicing the structure of the cooked product may disintegrate.
Reviewexamples offormally agreed QAS and that these are aligned to the approved products listed on the certificate of conformity. Review the ‘mini specification’ and verify that the quality attributes are aligned to those detailed in the BMPA Quality Assured Ham and Cooked Pork module. Visual inspection of finished product standards. Review examples of records of QAS verification checks since the last audit.