Last Update: 10 Dec 2021.

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1.4 Primal cuts of bacon: Middles

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Bacon & Gammon / Production Specification Guidance

1.4.1 For middles, the product shall comply with the following specification:

  • Visual lean (overall) minimum 70% VL
  • Visual lean (in streak) minimum 55% VL
  • Eye muscle depth at deepest point minimum 50mm
  • Fat depth over eye-muscle maximum 10mm (Maximum 12mm including rind)

For air dried and dry cured product, due to significant shrinkage during maturation, an exemption from the above allowances for eye muscle depth has been granted. Therefore: Eye muscle depth at deepest point: minimum 40mm. The middle may be rind-on.

1.4.2 The middle may be separated into back and streak by a straight cut parallel to the dorsal (loin) edge, to yield a back of approximate 20cm width.

1.4.3 For lardons/pancetta, the product shall comply with the following specification:

  • Visual lean minimum 55% VL
  • The quality attribute specification (QAS) shall specify dice dimensions, the agreed level of variance, and state the quantity of allowable fines which shall not exceed 10% of the pack by weight.


Visual inspection of product