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5.2 Permitted ingredients in BMPA Quality Assured Ham & Cooked Pork

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Ham & Cooked Pork / Curing and injection brines and ingredients

Only certain ingredients shall be used in the production of BMPA Quality Assured Ham and Cooked Pork, as given below.

5.2.1 For BMPA Quality Assured Ham the permitted ingredients are:

  • Salts: Sea salt and/or vacuum salt shall be used in the form of sodium chloride (NaCl), and/or sodium chloride substitutes such as potassium chloride (KCl) and magnesium chloride (MgCl2) which may be used at up to 50% of the NaCl content subject to shelf life validation.
  • Preservatives: Nitrates and nitrites shall be used in the form of sodium nitrate (NaNO3) E251, potassium nitrate (KNO3) E252, sodium nitrite (NaNO2) E250 and potassium nitrite (KNO2) E249 to cure products
  • Lactates: Sodium/potassium lactate
  • Nitrite replacements can used: The standard allows the use of nitrite replacements, however this does not apply to the use in Wiltshire Cured products. You are required by legislation to ensure that the replacement that you choose to use performs in much the same way e.g. colour, taste/flavour, texture, and a level of food safety that you normally get when using nitrite. It is your responsibility to ensure that any food when placed on the market is safe.

5.2.2 For BMPA Quality Assured Ham the use of the following ingredients shall only be used in the specific product categories: Ham with no added water, ham with added water and dry cured ham.

  • Antioxidants: L-ascorbic acid E300), sodium-L-ascorbate (E301), D-ascorbic acid (erythorbic acid) (E315), sodium-D-ascorbate (sodium erythorbate) (E316) may be used.
  • Phosphates: sodium and potassium phosphates and polyphosphates (E450, E451, E452) may be used. The added phosphate content of the cooked product shall not exceed 0.3% (expressed as P2 05).

5.2.3 For BMPA Quality Assured Cooked Pork the permitted ingredients are:

  • Antioxidants: L-ascorbic acid E300), sodium-L-ascorbate (E301), D-ascorbic acid (erythorbic acid) (E315), sodium-D-ascorbate (sodium erythorbate) (E316) may be used.
  • Phosphates: sodium and potassium phosphates and polyphosphates (E450, E451, E452) may be used at a quantity that doesnot exceed 0.3% of the cooked product.
  • Lactates: sodium / potassium lactate


Usage shall be compliant with the requirements of The Miscellaneous Food Additive Regulations 1995. (NOTE: maximum amounts are stipulated as either “that added during manufacture” or the “residual amount in product” – the application of these requirements are specified on a product by product basis and takes into account product type and process)

Specifications shall be available. This shall be supported by appropriate in-house mini-specifications. Reference may be made to the corresponding regulations.


Specifications shall be available, and these shall be relevant to the category of product being produced. These may be supported by appropriate in-house specifications/recipes. Copies of current specifications/recipes.