Last Update: 5 Jan 2022.
8.1 Labelling for traceability & mass balance
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Ham & Cooked Pork / Traceability and mass balance
All pork raw material shall be identified as BMPA Quality Assured Pork or “BQAP” by labelling of the rack, chandelier or other transport medium.
Each batch of pork raw material to be used for the manufacture of any BMPA Quality Pork Charter products shall be marked or labelled with the following information as a minimum:
Site identification code (health mark)
- Product description
- Weight
- Traceability batch code
- Confirmation of assured status
- Country of birth, rearing and slaughter or statement of pigs’ origin
- Date of freezing (if frozen)
- Durability / process-by date
- Date of kill
Visual inspection of labelling of outer case and/or retail pack