Last Update: 4 Jan 2022.

The requirements for the handling of injured or unfit pigs are as follows:
5.5.1 The site shall have a system in place for the identification and isolation of casualty and unfit pigs on the livestock vehicle and in the lairage
5.5.2 A documented SOP shall be in place covering emergency slaughter, the use of isolation pens and handling of casualty/unfit pigs. Training records for staff involved in these duties shall be available.
5.5.3 The isolation pen shall be fit for purpose, clearly identified, used only for the purpose of isolation, and be available for use whilst pigs are being received and kept in the lairage.
5.5.4 Fresh/clean water shall be available at all times.
5.5.5 Adequate, clean and dry bedding shall be available.
5.5.6 Pigs shall not be held in isolation pens if it would cause them distress to do so. – the OV/AWO shall carry out a documented risk assessment and record all actions taken.
5.5.7 Records shall be held for all casualties. The appropriate movement documentation shall accompany any casualty to the abattoir.

All lairage personnel shall be aware of the procedures and have been trained against the system. Isolation pens shall not be used for the storage of materials e.g. redundant equipment. Where bedding is required e.g. over-night lairaging then this can be either wood chips, straw, rubber matting or shredded paper
The site should have the European Commission factsheet on handling and movement of pigs available. This can be found here

Review facilities, staff training records, and examples of lairage records, emergency slaughter records and admission of any casualty pigs.