Last Update: 4 Jan 2022.
1.2 Forward trace of non-eligible products audit
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Quality Pork Charter Rules / Guidance for traceability & mass balance audits
The scope of a forward trace of non-eligible products audit covers All BMPA Quality Pork Charter modules
1.2.1 Objective – The objective of the forward traceability exercise shall be to verify that non-eligible raw material has been correctly processed and labelled in accordance with the BMPA Quality Pork Charter. Non-eligible raw material shall be defined as:
- Pork raw material from pigs that have not met the requirements of the BMPA Pig Welfare and Slaughter module (i.e. pigs that are not born and reared for their lifetime on an assured farm that is certified by Red Tractor, Quality Meat Scotland Pigs or an equivalent farm assurance scheme recognised by the BMPA)
- Boars with a slaughter weight in excess of 110kg.
- Sows may only be used for the manufacture of comminuted meat preparations approved by the BMPA pork scheme e.g. sausage, providing that the pork complies with all aspects of the BQAP product quality standards with the exception of the P2 measurement. Any other use is not permitted within the BMPA pork scheme.
- Pork raw material processed under the Red Tractor or Quality Meat Scotland pork schemes
1.2.2 Selection of product – The auditor shall be responsible for the selection of the product. Product selected for the trace exercise shall be from a previous production date to allow the product to have been processed through to dispatch. The consignment shall be confined to a discrete batch. This shall be interpreted as single pallet, dolav or batch size aligned to the site’s traceability system, aligned to the current audit observations or previous site history.
The auditor shall have the discretion to select a larger quantity of product for the trace exercise. The charterparticipant shall be required to present all traceability information and weight calculations aligned to the traceability exercise for review. It is important that the information recorded can be cross referenced to the corresponding trace documentation presented by the site.
There is no requirement to copy sensitive commercial information unless the information is required to support non-conformance. Any copying of sensitive commercial information shall be agreed by the charter participant.