Last Update: 5 Jan 2022.

5.1 Composition of curing and injection brines
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Ham & Cooked Pork / Curing and injection brines and ingredients
5.1.1 The composition of curing brines and non-injection solutions shall comply with standard operating procedures, specifications and brine/injection solution make-up recipes supported by chemical analysis and batch processing records.
5.1.2 All curing brines and non-cure solutions, whether intended for injection or cover, shall be positive released for use based on the salt content (as documented within the process specification, and temperature (Injection curing brines shall not exceed 7°C and non-cure solutions/cover brines shall not exceed 5°C).
5.1.3 Where non-conformance occurs, the site shall investigate root cause and implement corrective action.

A range of curing methods may be used including dry-curing, injection curing followed by immersion, injection curing followed by bag-maturing, Wiltshire curing etc. However, certain curing methods relate only to specific types of ham and cooked pork. The type of brine and cure shall be subject to the scope of the site’s processes and requirements of customer specification.

Documented production procedures, specifications, brine make-up recipes, chemical analysis and batch processing records. Examples of positive release records (salt & temperature) for curing brines/non-cure solutions and where applicable corrective action reports since the last audit.