Last Update: 9 Dec 2021.

4.3 Butchery standards for whole sides, part sides and bone-in cuts
Found in:
Bacon & Gammon / Preparation of pork for curing
4.3.1 The neck shall be removed by a cut square to the dorsal edge of the side not more than 216mm forward of the posterior edge of the first rib.
4.3.2 Neck bones shall be removed cleanly.
4.3.3 The pocket hole shall be neat with minimal damage to the surrounding muscle.
4.3.4 The sternum (breast) bone shall be cleanly removed.
4.3.5 The loin (eye) muscle shall show minimal damage after removal of surface bones.
4.3.6 The fore-feet shall be removed through the upper of the two joints between the radius-ulna and carpus bones.
4.3.7 The hind feet shall be sawn off through the middle of the heel bone (between the tarsal bones and the fibular tarsal bones) to show the characteristic star pattern on the cut surface.
4.3.8 The aitch bone shall be carefully removed with minimal damage to the face of the gammon.
4.3.9 If required, the fore-end shall be separated from the side by a cut at right angles to the dorsal (loin) edge of the side and passing between the ventral ends of the third/fourth or fourth/fifth ribs.
4.3.10 If required, the gammon shall be separated from the side by a cut at right angles to the dorsal (loin) edge of the side. Its location may be varied but it shall fall between 20mm and 150mm forward of the anterior head of the femur.

Visual inspection of butchery standards. Copy of specification(s).