Last Update: 4 Jan 2022.
3.2.1 Each consignment of farm assured pigs shall be accompanied by an animal movement licence document at all times which details the following:
- name of the producer
- holding unit the pigs came from
- farm assurance certification number
- pig slap number/ear tag
- number of pigs
- country of birth, rearing and slaughter or a statement of pig’s origin (where pigs are born and reared in one country, a single statement of origin is sufficient)
- details of livestock vehicle
- date of movement
3.2.2 Copies of animal movement documents shall be kept by the charter participant for a minimum of 12 months.
It is recommended that producers use the AHDB Pork electronic animal movement licence (eAML) system, Scot EIDor an equivalent.
Examples of animal movement documents since the last audit should be reviewed and cross referenced to a selection of producers supplying assured pigs.